fbpx Bidault-Waddington, Raphaele — PCA

Raphaele Bidault-Waddington

raphaele bidault waddington


As a conceptual artist with a Master degree in immaterial economy (Paris Est University), RBW creates art-based research labs, as experimental knowledge platforms and creative enterprises. PIIMS explores the city, the value of images and the “datasphere” via image architectures and fictions. LIID (liid.fr) is a future think-tank at the crossroad of art, economy, urban innovation and research, developing projects such as « Paris Galaxies a vision for the Greater Paris » in partnership with PCA, Sorbonne University (ACTE Institute) and the Paris 2030 grant.

Besides her exhibitions (eg: Apex Art NY, Cité de l’Architecture Paris, Colette, Corner College Zurich, etc.), publications (eg: Cahiers Européens de l’Imaginaire, metropolitiques.eu), and conferences, RBW and LIID bring future visions and creative ideas to companies (eg: Peclers Future Trends, Grand Paris Aménagement, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Chanel, Lexus Cars), cities (Copenhagen, Shanghai, Montevideo), and universities (eg: Aalto University, Helsinki, Science-Po, Paris, Institute For The Future Palo Alto, Center for Molecular Medicine Stockholm).

RBW was the chief editor of the Vision section (Art, Urban Design, Ideas, Literature) of www.tales-magazine.com in 2009-11, and is now part of the www.d-fiction.fr literature platform and collective.

RBW is also a member of the Prospective Lab and the New Club of Paris, a national and an international network of innovation experts and policy makers.