fbpx Faure-Conorton, Julien — PCA

Julien Faure-Conorton

Julien Faure-Conorton

Adjunct Faculty

Julien received his BA in Art History and History of Photography from the École du Louvre, Paris, France, in 2004.
He then got two MA from that same university, one in Museology, and the other in Applied Research (Art History and Photography). Julien also has a PhD in Art History and Theory from the EHESS, Paris, France (2015).

Since 2010, Teaching Assistant for the History of Photography course at the École du Louvre, Paris, France. Lectured the History of Photography at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, France.

Author of several peer-reviewed articles and chapters as well as of three books:
Visions d’artistes : photographies pictorialistes, 1890-1960 (Cahiers du Temps, 2018).
Paris-Métro-Photo. Photographs of the Paris Métro from 1900 to the present (Actes Sud, 2016).
Robert Demachy. Impressions de Normandie (Cahiers du Temps, 2016).