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Justine Gain

Gain Justine Photo INHA

Adjunct faculty

Justine graduated with a Bachelor in Art History (2016) and a Master in Museology and Research in Art History applied to museum collections (2018) from Ecole du Louvre. She is currently working towards a PHD with a thesis titled ” The fabric of ornemental eclecticism during the 19th century, the work of Jean-Baptiste Plantar (1790-1879), under the direction of Jean-Michel Leniaud and Lionel Arsac, at Ecole du Louvre and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, in Paris.

Gain has been teaching art history at Ecole du Louvre since 2020, she also taught at Université des Antilles under the direction of Christelle Lozère. She has been teaching at paris College of Art since 2022.

Professional Experience
After working in several French museums including the Musée du Louvre, Versailles and Orsay, Justine was involved in a transatlantic program called The French Sculpture Census, led by Laure de Margerie, and hosted at the Clark Art Institute (2018), as well as at the Frick Collection (2019) in New York. She is currently a fellow at the National Institute of Art History in Paris, working on some research projects, one of them being Richelieu. History of a district, led by Charlotte Duvette, with a focus on the history of the Palais-Royal.

“Valuing Ornament: Jean-Baptiste Plantar (1790-1879) – In-Between Art, Craft and Industry”, The Sculpture Journal, Liverpool University Press (to be published soon).
“150 ans plus tard, 150 mètres plus loin, la chapelle Saint-Ferdinant de Neuilly, un patrimoine déplacé, Livraisons de l’histoire de l’architecture, 40, December 2020, p. 99-111