Pauline Chasseray-Peraldi
Adjunct Faculty
Researcher & lecturer.
Writing & publishing activities
Currently completing a Ph.D. at Sorbonne Université (GRIPIC – Celsa) in Media and Communication Studies: “The Digitized Landscapes of Google. From images’ environment to perceptive coexistences“; Master’s Degree in Research and Development in Media and Communication Studies at Celsa / Sorbonne Université, Paris, France; Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies department, Celsa / Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
Bridging media studies (socio and techno semiotic, critical theory), visual studies (sensory and material turn theories), and anthropology (ecological approaches, environmental theory). Studying imagery of digital media and contemporary optical devices. Paying attention to the singularities and plasticity of such devices through the analysis of semiotic and material configurations, and perceptive and multispecies collaborations beyond visuality.
Teaching Experience
Paris College of Art; Celsa / Sorbonne Université in Media, Marketing, and Intercultural Communication departments (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) – 2013-2018; Celsa / École des Mines d’Alès in Digital Communication and IT engineering (master’s degree) – 2013-2018.
“Something that disturbs: encounters between animals and optical machines”, Schalten und Walten, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (ZMK), 1/2020; “La production standardisée du territoire. De la prise photographique à l’archive en ligne”, Questions de Communication, 2019; “Partout et nulle part. Le corps in absentia des dispositifs épiphaniques”, co-written with Yves Jeanneret, CNRS édition, 2017.
Member of Librarioli editorial committee since 2019.
« Aux animaux que j’ai croisés », Librarioli n°D pour Dispersion, 2019.
« Coexistences animales », guest speaker at Lou-Maria Le Brusq residency Par l’invitation répondre à l’invitation, à Synesthésie ¬ MMAINTENANT, Saint-Denis, June 7th 2019.
« Seen 3:33 », co-written with Paola Quilici, performed at Placement Produit, April 30th 2019.
« Untitled » and visual selection, in SensualiT, collective self-published zine on an invitation by Paola Quilici, December 2018.
« Milieux Affectés », in CORPS 72, SILO end of residency publication, September 2018.
« 2008-2009 », Librarioli n°B pour Babillage, May 2017
Revue Librarioli; SILO; “Des voyages sur Google Street View et des morts en direct”, Arobase.
Radical Inclusivity Symposium
Radical Inclusivity, which will be held on May 3rd, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm CET, is a symposium discussing and challenging the current status quo in the art world, and how it needs to change.More