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Paris Galaxies

Paris Galaxies
Paris Galaxies Conceptual Model”, © Raphaële Bidault-Waddington, LIID, 2009.

A vision for the greater Paris in 2030

“Paris Galaxies a vision for Greater Paris in 2030” is an on going experimental future research project developed by French artist-researcher and creative cities expert Raphaële Bidault-Waddington, founder of LIID.
Paris Galaxies

The project, hosted by Sorbonne University (ACTE Institute – Semiotics of Arts and Design Lab) with the partnership of PCA since 2012, was awarded the Paris 2030 research grant from the City of Paris for 2013-14, and 2015-16.

The project, hosted by Sorbonne University (ACTE Institute – Semiotics of Arts and Design Lab) with the partnership of PCA since 2012, was awarded the Paris 2030 research grant from the City of Paris for 2013-14, and 2015-16.

In 2013-14, new workshops with PCA Design Management students evaluated innovation potentials of the Greater Paris « artistic constellation » and how it transforms urban life and imaginaries. It continued with a research discussion with Stéphane Vincent (27ème Région) and philosopher Jean-Jacques Wunenburger during PCA Research Day and Designers Days in 2013.

The conclusion « Paris Galaxies in Perspective, aesthetic audit critical report» was presented by RBW at the 3rd International Creative and Cultural Industries Conference at Antwerp University and published in 2014 in Annick Schramme, René Kooyman, Giep Hagoort (eds.)Beyond Frame, Dynamics between the creative industries, knowledge institutions and the urban context, Eburon Publishing.

In 2015-16, the Paris Galaxies workshop as part of the Creative Leadership class explored the design of a collaborative online platform (canvas, and economic model) involving and valuing the Greater Paris artistic constellation and community. It also made a focus on the 6B, a remarkable self-organized art residency in St Denis.

Other future research steps included: “Paris Galaxies Action Shooting Lab”, a workshop with PCA Street Photography Dpt; “Grand Paris Futur Lab”, a workshop with Paris Villette School of Architecture, and CNAM Master students; “Reinventer la Seine” a creative hub design workshop with Neoma Art Management Master students; “Paris Ars Universalis” a design fiction and future narrative of the city in 2030-35 (to be published); and “Machination” a photographic and multi episodes narrative on d-fiction.fr.

In 2016-17, the Paris Galaxies workshop as part of the Creative Leadership class focuses on the 6B to help them design a creative hub future strategy.

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Published: August 24, 2016