fbpx PCA Students Present their Music Videos at Gaîté Lyrique’s Ateliers Partagés Festival — PCA

PCA Students Present their Music Videos at Gaîté Lyrique's Ateliers Partagés Festival

Ateliers partagés

Last January, curator of Gaîté Lyrique’s F.A.M.E —Film and Music Experience— Festival, Olivier Forest held a music video producing workshop for PCA students on campus.

During the workshop, students had the chance to discover how to conceive, develop, and produce a project from start to finish in 24 hours. The short time frame recreates the reality of a professional environment: introduction to the song and its artists, along with collaboration with a professional curator.

Olivier selected example music videos to help our students understand the variety of concepts developed by film makers. The objective was for students to recognize various aesthetic and formal choices made by the artists. The students then worked on their personal mood boards and concepts in order to develop the creative and personal aspects of their work. Applying Olivier’s knowledge and advice, the students were able to refine their narratives and aesthetic pre-shooting.

Liberal Studies coordinator Emmanuelle Cospen and Chair of MA/MFA in Transdisciplinary New Media (MTNM) Fréderique Krupa, who organized the project with Gaîte Lyrique, provided material for inspiration, such as props and equipment to help the students complete their project.

Their final work was exhibited as part of the festival Ateliers Partagés at Gaîté Lyrique on May 20. A total of six music videos were produced.

You can have a look at the videos our students produced by clicking on the boxes listed below.

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Ateliers partagés

Ateliers partagés

Ateliers partagés

Ateliers partagés

Ateliers partagés