fbpx Bonjour! From Student Council — PCA

Bonjour! From Student Council

student council 16-17

Student Council has become somewhat of hot topic as of recently. A lot of people are wondering who we are, what we do, and why we’re doing it. I’m here to answer some of those questions!

To start, Student Council currently consists of six members:

Nora Otgondemberel – President
Laiqa Ahmad – Vice President
Freddie Fried Fletcher – Communications & Design
Ally O’Hara – Communications & Design
Olivia Ghalioungui – Student Rep
Ryan Mormelo – Student Rep

Student Rep means we kind of float around, fill in the gaps, and collect student feedback around school to relay back to our council. We generally try to keep the vibe up and come up with cool events… But more on that later.

Ally and Freddie are in charge of designing posters and communication material about events and activities; pretty much taking what we discuss in meetings and making them happen. They also keep our social media up to date, i.e Facebook, Instagram, and spoiler alert: Snapchat filter.

The President and VP keep everything together and oversee the whole process. They take care of Student Council admin, deal with logistics, and liaise with the PCA administrative offices. Overall, they ensure everything comes to fruition and goes  according to plan. They also keep the rest of us hooligans in line when necessary, so thanks for that!

Now that introductions are in order we can get to the nitty gritty: What are we actually doing?

Remember that potluck mid-March? That was all us. The movie and pizza nights that seem to keep randomly popping up? Also us. In fact, let me give you the schedule for the movie nights – FYI they happen every two weeks in room -102 at 7:30pm!

TONIGHT, 31st March
Friday, 14th April
Friday, 28th April
Friday, 12th May

Check out the closed Facebook group ‘PCA Community’ for the movie polls!

Following workshop week, on Saturday 22nd of April, we’ll be having a Park/Picnic day! Ally and Freddie will get in touch with the student body about the exact time and location shortly!

Lastly we’re committing the week of May 2nd, AKA Pre-Finals Week to making the environment around school as stress free as possible. We’re thinking fresh juice and coffee in the gallery, renting rooms for snacks and chats. The point is to keep things low key, offer what we can, and hopefully just make the days a little more convenient for you guys. We’re all gonna need some time to take a breather as the semester wraps up.

Those are our plans thus far, if you have anything you’d like to suggest feel free! Olivia and I are always around with open ears!


We’re here to please you guys. I mean the Why? should be pretty straight forward: To build more of a community within the school, to create a better zone for students to collaborate and communicate in. We obviously want to have some fun too, and want you guys to be comfortable here. At the end of the day we want you guys to be happy, it’s as simple as that.

If you have any other questions, or want to help or join student council let us know! You can reach us at [email protected] or message us on Facebook!
On that note I hope you all have an amazing weekend, thanks for reading!


P.S. PCA Sweatshirts coming soon!