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Congratulations to the PCA Class of 2020

Class of 2020

In a virtual graduation ceremony, President and Chief Academic Officer, Linda Jarvin, PhD conferred the degrees of our graduating students on Saturday May 9th.

Dov Lynch, a Senior Officer in the Office of the Director-General at UNESCO, was our guest speaker.

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News and School News.

Watch Dov Lynch's speech to the PCA graduating class of 2020

Dov Lynch has worked for the EU, the OSCE and now for the UN. He graduated from Yale (BA) and Oxford (DPhil) and taught at Oxford, Kings College London and Sciences Po’.

He has written books in English on Russian military strategy and worked on conflicts in Europe’s East. Under a pseudonym, he has written essays in French on travelling through separatist states. Under his own name, he has written two novels in French, Mer Noire (Editions Anacharsis, 2015) and Hauts-Fonds (Seuil, 2018), with a third, Leawald, to be published next year.