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Creative Practices during Lockdown: BFA Fine Arts Student Faryn Loskot

Faryn Loskot_montage
Me, My Cells and I, Faryn Loskot

Taking classes during lockdown and having to turn our own spaces into studios made us all have to face some new restrictions in our creative process.

To continue our ‘Creative Practices during Lockdown’ series, and share how students managed to stay creative during lowkdown and how they conquered the new contraints, here is the third interview of the series.

For this interview, 2nd Year BFA Fine Arts student Mia Domenech talked with BFA Fine Arts student Faryn Loskot from the United States.

How did confinement impact your work?

Of course it was a very great disappointment to not present publicly with my peers as planned all year but somehow it freed me of the restrictions we tend to set upon ourselves in lieu of public acceptance. My process has always been one of self reclusion so when it was very literally demanded of me, it presented a curious and exciting predicament. Confinement became the sort of pivot point around which my entire thesis revolved, which was essentially the artist’s methodology of transcending consciousness. It sort of forced me to put my money where my mouth is and turn off my outside ears to truly go deep within and create my ultimate fairy dream bedroom studio secret cave of wonders. All things considered I maintain that confinement worked in my benefit.

How did you find solutions to the new restrictions of online classes and a home studio?

I think that my generation (and especially those that followed) were weirdly bred for distanced communication, so although it was quite an unexpected mountain to climb we all adapted as you do in a necessitated circumstance. We all had lessons to learn from the experience. I told myself; “this is what it will really be like, once you’re done with school, you’ll have to work 10 times harder to receive critique, approval and especially maintain workflow momentum, not to mention resources…” so I took it day by day. Creating morning routines to torque my body into inspiration mode was absolutely essential. This required an even more rigorous meditation and journaling process and especially emphasized the importance of my relationship to my peers and professors, whose words of inspiration became a thousand times more valuable.

What helped you stay inspire and creating keep?

Inspiration is a fickle thing under any condition… but now that there was no separation between work and home, I realized I had to let them marry ceremoniously. By that I mean I reminded myself daily that this was weirdly all I ever dreamed of… being a mad artist who is so obsessed by her work that it consumes her… and that it did.

Read our first interview with BFA Photography Student Kirsten Franks here and our second with Online Foundation Student Amelie Adam here.

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Arts, Student Life, Students, and Wellness.