Elective Spotlight: Ceramic Sculpture
In the Fine Arts department, PCA offers a ceramic sculpture class, taught by Carole Chebron. This year, the course will focus on the making of sculptural form and installation work with clay. Students will get to use varied mediums and materials to combine with clay. This class is based on the exploration of different subject matters and the acquisition of technical skills.
There will be no reenactment of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore’s pottery scene in Ghosts. However, students will get to learn how to cast unconventional objects, as the first semester will be focused on experimentation.
During the second semester, students will have the opportunity to develop their personal vision through the production of sculptural and installation works.
Want to learn how to work in a studio space and become independent? This is what this course has to offer, as well as encourage research and creativity.
Slab building, rudimentary glazing, mould making and slip casting techniques are among the skills students will pick up during this class.