#LearningPlanet Festival 2021 on January 24 to Celebrate the International Day of Education
Join PCA for the #LearningPlanet Festival on January 24 in celebrating the International Day of Education.
This year’s theme, “Learning to Take Care of oneself, Others and the Planet” is an invitation for everyone around the world to celebrate and share their knowledge about taking care of oneself, others and planet Earth. Founded in partnership with UNESCO and many others, the #LearningPlanet Festival 2021 intends to aspire and give the means to learning citizens of all ages to commit to the making of a better future. Together, we can build the environment we want for ourselves, our children, and for the future.
Here at PCA, we are offering workshops to passionate all learners over 15 years old, including, teachers, educators, artists, scientists, social entrepreneurs, policymakers and more. We are excited to invite you to join us in the 3rd edition of the #LearningPlanet Festival and one of our six interesting workshops at PCA.
Introduction to Fashion Zero Waste Design
This is a brief course where participants will learn the basics to start creating zero waste tops, trousers, and skirts. Participants should bring: Scraps of cloth or fabric (or pieces of paper), scissors, thread, and needle, and/or scotch tape …and creativity.
Facilitator: Fernando Jiménez Fierro, student, MA Fashion Film & Photography
Drawing is Free
People who think they don’t know how to draw love it too, if they are given the chance. Drawing is mostly inexpensive, transportable, and can be made anywhere without much time or many resources. An artist and/or designer can keep drawing when all other opportunities to make work are limited. To know that you can always draw is liberating to a creative person. Sharing the experience of drawing with others creates energy in a room.
Facilitator: Chloe Briggs, professor, Drawing
Fun Coding with P5.js
Javascript is a one of the most mainstream programming languages that commonly performs on web pages. It can power dynamic behaviors such as animations and interactions. This coding workshop will introduce Javascript through the language of P5.js starting from a basic beginner’s level. Participants should bring a laptop.
Facilitator: Xingman Cheng, student, MA Transdisciplinary New
Fashion Illustration
Overview: In this workshop, participants from all backgrounds can explore different types of fashion illustration by moving between workstations dedicated to collage, stencil, paint, and more.
Facilitator: Barbara Skuczik, professor, Fashion
Transform 2D ideas to 3D objects
Overview: In this workshop, participants will explore different techniques, such as paper folding and fast model making, to express two-dimensional ideas in three dimensions.
Facilitator: Alix de Mercey, professor, Interior Design
Overview: This workshop is intended for beginners and will introduce the basics of typography to help participants identify and create their own type-faces.
Facilitator: Juliette Robbins, professor, typography, graphic design, art history