fbpx Contemporary Illustration — PCA

Contemporary Illustration


Draw inspiration from the city around you

This course develops the basic knowledge of contemporary drawing with an acute Paris angle, through demonstrations, workshops, field trips and studio sessions. We will dissect Paris through the lens of drawing: its distinct urban energy, the storied clichés, the rich art culture and food culture. We will also incorporate personal narrative to visually understand the student’s personal relationship to the city while also improving core drawing technique and building student’s portfolio. Museum visits, visiting lectures by professional artists and hands-on assignments will create rich research opportunities to develop a strong artistic practice and sketchbook. The first week will include morning sessions focused on technique and studio work which will then be taken to the streets of Paris in independent drawing in the afternoon. The second week will introduce the final project, an intensive research project in a specific street or neighborhood in Paris. Students are encouraged to explore different techniques and mediums (including sound recording, Instagram Stories, video, gifs, collage, etc) to create a densely researched final project that can be shared through social media. 

Completion of all in-class and homework drawing assignments. Documentation of research and influences in sketchbook. Participation in class and individual and group critiques. Preparedness and willingness to learn the subject and improve one’s self in drawing and visual research.

When: Session 2 (July 1 – July 12, 2024), Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

Tuition Cost:
Early Bird Rate (valid until Jan.15 EXTENDED through Feb.15) – 3 Credit: €2300 | Audit: €1545
Standard Rate (after Jan.15 Feb.15) –  3 Credit: €2700 | Audit: €1800