Antonia Avery, who is earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design, will graduate in 2024. This month’s PCA newsletter, LOOP, which focused on all four design programs at PCA gave one of our student profiles to Avery. Here’s what she told us about PCA and her life as she heads confidently toward her unknown future.
Where do you call home?
Sun Valley, Idaho (USA) is my original home, but I now call Paris my home!
We love that answer!
What has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned in your program?
To be fearless, indulge in deep exploration and research for my concepts, and be confident in my work.
What excites you most about your degree program at PCA?
The open minded perspective of my teachers and their overall support in my goals is what excites me most about my program.
What do you think is next for you after PCA? Do you already have something lined up?
I do not have any specific plans as to what I will do after I graduate, but I hope to either go straight into working in the fashion industry full time, or pursue a Masters degree in knitwear.
What have you loved most about living/studying in Paris or Europe in general?
My favorite thing about studying and living in Europe is the amazing people I have met from all over the world and learning about their cultures and perspectives on life. It is also amazing being able to easily travel to different countries to actually see and learn about the beautiful diversities of our world.