BFA Film Art Class of '22 Hunter Cibula to be a Judge in FAME Festival 2020
The FAME Festival in Paris has become a well-known and highly anticipated event.
It’s a buzzing five-day film music festival with screenings, conferences and live performances.
PCA’s Hunter Cibula, a BFA Film Art student, was selected to be one of three student judges who will award one winner of their Student Jury category 500€, thanks to the AMORE association.
Emma Cospen-Gharibian, who is the head of the Liberal Studies department at PCA, invited the director of the festival to speak to her French class about the event. Hunter chose to prepare a letter in advance to give the director, highlighting his qualifications as a potential juror.
“I am excited to take part in this opportunity, that PCA and in particular Emma provided for me. To be selected I presented a letter describing my past work and why I believe I would be a good addition to the jury team.”
– Hunter Cibula
Two other students were selected to judge this category, from Université Paris 8 and the Higher National School of Art of Bourges.
Other prize categories include the 2020 FAME Grand Prix Jury, of which the winner will receive 1,500€ from the Gaîté Lyrique. Lastly, there is a public prize in which guests at the festival can vote for at the end of each session.
The FAME Festival 2020 takes place from February 12th to the 16th at the Gaîté Lyrique.
Tickets and more information can be found on their website: Gaite Lyrique.