fbpx BienvenueNewsPhotography PCA Photography Lunch Talks: Photojournalist Wilfrid Estève — PCA

BienvenueNewsPhotography PCA Photography Lunch Talks: Photojournalist Wilfrid Estève


On the 25th of November, PCA invited photojournalist Wilfrid Estève to the PCA Photography Lunch Talks at which he spoke about his work, his creative process and sources of inspiration.

Wilfrid Estève works mostly on commissions and his clients includeELLE, Libération, Le Monde, Géo, Marie-Claire, National Geographic, Paris Match and VSD. In 2005 he was awarded a special mention in the Prix Nadar Competition for the collective work Photojournalism at the crossroads, and in 2008 he became co-director of the photo agencyMYOP.

Estève often works in conflict zones as he documents breaking news, his role being that of bearing witness to these events, as well as offering an objective view framed with a personal interpretation. He emphazises the importance of displaying an impeccable work ethic when working with press agencies and magazines, in order to create a strong customer relationship. When approaching a commissionned project, Estève pushes the narrative forward. He describes his approach to photography – objectivity with a personal touch – as being “square,” to more effectively share a story with the viewer.

Estève believes that nowadays a photographer needs to rethink the publication of his work, produce works that will go beyond the print format and explore all media via which he can touch his public. In this regard, Estève started creating a series of web documentaries, based on the video editing of his images.

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