fbpx Etienne Mineur on Artificial Typography and Other Fabulous Narratives in Graphic Design — PCA

Etienne Mineur on Artificial Typography and Other Fabulous Narratives in Graphic Design

© Etienne Mineur
© Etienne Mineur

For years, we have «taught» AI systems to recognize a cat, a car, a bridge, a crosswalk, or a font… Now we turn the question back to them: what does a cat look like to you? Their answers are exciting as we discover a «new world.» AI systems cannot apprehend the world as we do.

These artificial «minds» cannot (yet) experience life, pain, joy, pleasure, passion, or beauty… They can only understand our world through the projected digital shadows of our reality. AIs don’t invent anything: they collect, remix, and reformulate. Their strange and often disturbing answers are interesting as, curiously, coming from some misunderstandings: approximations, errors, and collisions generate original and unexpected graphic creations. In this workshop, the participants will dialogue with AIs trying to find the right words to obtain satisfying or or fabulous results.Etienne Mineur is a Designer, Publisher and Educator. His work focuses on the relationship between graphic design and technology. He is the co-founder and Creative Director of Volumique, a publishing house as well as a studio where new types of games, books and toys are being designed and developed based on the relationship beetween the tangible and the digital.Wednesday April 12, 2023 | 14h00 – 17h00

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