fbpx Faculty Maximiliano Battaglia begins filmmaking residency at L’AiR Arts — PCA

Faculty Maximiliano Battaglia begins filmmaking residency at L'AiR Arts

Maximiliano has begun a self-directed artistic residency with the international L’AiR Arts program, during which he will conduct research on the historical Atelier 11 and the artistic community of Cité Falguière in Paris. This research will culminate in the creation of a hybrid documentary with the aim of visualizing this rich history while also conveying the sensory information encoded in the building through performance and experimental approaches to image-making.

The film “Foujita Foujita,” which Maximiliano collaborated on with Canadian artist Mayumi Lashbrook and shot at Atelier 11, has previously been screened at L’Air Arts as part of the 2023 European Heritage Days.
