fbpx OFF Bratislava Festival of Contemporary Photography Open Call — PCA

OFF Bratislava Festival of Contemporary Photography OPEN CALL!


Join the Open Call  for the upcoming year of the festival of contemporary photography OFF Bratislava, including the OFF Academy, OFF Satellite and OFF Libris sections.

The thirteen year, under the title ELSEWHERE, will be about the force that drives people to move, migrate or just aimlessly wander around and their concepts of home and foreign land. Inevitably, we will touch the issue of borders of any kind that restrict a free movement on Earth. When we were composing this theme, we did not anticipate how topical it would be in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, this festival’s tradition is to open the artistic discussion to the broadest extent possible, to offer a diverse spectrum of views in order to help us, in mutual confrontation, move forward, “beyond the borders” of our thinking.

Individual photographers, photographic groups and associations, clubs and schools, curators and tutors, you are welcome to submit your projects referring to the abovementioned theme via the ONLINE APPLICATION by 31 May 2022.

OFF BRATISLAVA / Individual and group exhibitions of artists in photography and new media with the possibility of receiving the LEE Award.

OFF ACADEMY / Student exhibitions of universities and other educational institutions with the possibility of receiving the ON Award. 

OFF SATELLITE / Exhibitions organized by external galleries in their own premises.

OFF LIBRIS / Exhibition of self-published photo books created by active artists and students of art schools.