Photography Lunch Talks Presents Pierre Barbrel
The Photo Department hosts Lunch Talks designed to foster knowledge, sharing and casual conversation with photographers, curators and artists.
Lunch Talks are free and open to all, but do sign up!
“Fear of Breakdown or Icare – Fight, Flight, Freeze”
Pierre Barbrel is a French artist born in Paris in 1991 and fascinated by Greek mythology, spirituality, religion and symbolism. His mission is to plunge deep into the senses with his photographic imagery. Interested by literature and art, he followed his passion in a fashion design school. After his studies and some enriching professional experiences, he returned to his first love, a thoughtful art that is opposed to the strict aesthetic of fashion. Pierre is fascinated by religious art in its attempt to embody transcendence; through his work he recreates the experience of his confrontation with epiphany, understood as the manifestation of what is hidden. The Egyptian book of death and byzantine icons run through his work’s visual inspirations which is often rooted in a globalized understanding of religious and occult symbolism. The materialization of the soul through the body, a form of incarnation, is his leitmotiv. Through collage, drawing, and digital alteration, he diverts photographs from their first existence. The meeting of these techniques allows a juxtaposition of dimensions in which the material and the spiritual coexist.
Already a recipient of his first two awards from Art Capital he will be participating in a group show at Grand Palais opening February 14th with his project Fear of Breakdown or Icare – Fight, Flight, Freeze.
Pierre Barbrel @ PCA
Friday February 24, 2017
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Paris College of Art
Room -101 (Auditorium)