France-Colombia Bilateral Exchange Program
In celebration of this year’s bilateral cultural exchange program between France and Colombia, Paris College of Art and the Universidad de Caldas will be working together on a project called “Common Ground”.
The aim of this bilateral research project between our two universities is to find a common ground between two groups of students in order to analyze the use of digital art in the creative process.
The project will be developed in two phases: Klaus Fruchtnis, Chair of Photography, will run a workshop during the Festival de la Imagen ISEA 2017 at the Universidad de Caldas, taking place from June 11 to June 18. The group of students who attend this workshop will then come to Paris College of Art in November to collaborate with MA/MFA students in Transdisicplinary New Media. The outcome of this collaboration will be exhibited at the Espace F15 at PCA and Gallery Mi*.
Students will study alternative uses to existing communications tools and platforms, as well as user information and communication technologies. They will also be able to enter digital art competitions and events in France such as: Future en Seine, Festival Hors Pistes, La Nuit Blanche, Les Bouillants, Festival Now, Gamerz.