fbpx Jewel(s). Contemporary practices face their discourses — PCA

Jewel(s). Contemporary practices face their discourses

La Garantie, association pour le bijou et PCA ont le plaisir de vous convier au colloque international – Bijou(x). Les pratiques contemporaines à l’épreuve de leur discours

La Garantie, association pour le bijou and PCA cordially invite you to the international symposiumJewel(s). Contemporary practices face their discourses

Organisateurs / Organizers

Brune Boyer / Cécile Bulté Emmanuel Lacoste / Benjamin Lignel, La Garantie, association pour le bijou
en partenariat avec / in partnership with Linda Jarvin / Sara Krauskopf, Paris College of Art

Une série d’expositions autour du bijou contemporain, organisées conjointement par les Ateliers d’Art de France, coïncident avec le colloque. Notre ambition est de profiter du dialogue entre l’un et l’autre pour poser les bases d’une réflexion spécifique sur les pratiques artisanales.

A series of contemporary jewelry exhibitions organized jointly by Atelier d’Art de France and D’un Bijou à l’Autre coincides with the symposium. It is our hope that the dialogue between one and the other will help foster a debate on contemporary craft practice.

Dates et Lieux / Dates and Location

14 + 15 février 2014
9h30 – 18h00
Paris College of Art
15, rue Fénelon
75010 Paris

Programme / Program

The conference aims to explore these three modes of existence of the jewelry-object. We will look, in a first part, at technical gestures in order to pit what makes the object unique (the author, her mark, her signature) against the collegial nature of its manufacture (corporatist, subcontracted), the level of singularity of its form (standardized, repeated) or the diversity of its prospective practitioners (educated and taught). Singular though it may seem, a jewelry object is also the product of common knowledge, inasmuch as it has a legal definition, falls under regulated practice, and can be transmitted. Focusing on the contemporary status of the jewel, in a second part, is thus a way to examine jewelry’s existing knowledge institutions and practices, and look at the frameworks that establish these practices. A mobile object by definition, the jewel seems both very sensitive to the spaces in which it moves, without necessarily being determined by them. In the third part, we will discuss how the encounter with the object is framed by the context of that encounter: whether it is displayed in a public space, preserved in a private place or reproduced on the page of a book, will influence how the jewelry object is seen, as it meets with varied audiences whose specific expectations update and re-qualify it. The multiplicity of its gestures, its status or its spaces make contemporary jewelry an elusive object, escaping determined destination.

Download the Full Programme

Intervenants / Contributors

Christian Alandete (Fondation Giacometti et Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris), Etienne Armand Amato (chercheur, enseignant et conseiller en sciences de l’information et de la communication / docteur de l’Université Paris 8 associé au laboratoire Paragraphe), Frédéric Bodet (Cité de la Céramique, Sèvres), Brune Boyer -Pellerej (bijoutier-plasticienne / LESC, Paris), Monika Brugger (orfèvre-plasticienne / ENSA, Limoges), Cécile Bulté (Université de Nantes/Centre André Chastel, Paris), Rodolphe Cintorino (artiste plasticien et performer, Paris), Anne-Françoise Garçon (CRHM, Université Paris 1, Paris), Thomas Golsenne (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nice Villa Arson), Sophie Hanagarth (orfèvre-plasticienne / HEAR, Strasbourg), Hugues Jacquet (sociologue), Linda Jarvin (Doyenne du Paris College of Art), Anne Jourdain (Université de Picardie Jules Verne/CURAPP, Amiens), Alexandre Keller (artiste plasticien, Paris), Stephen Knott (Journal of Modern Craft / Kingston University, Londres – UK), Emmanuel Lacoste (artiste plasticien, Paris), Caroline Lafitte (École Boulle, Paris), Benjamin Lignel (Art Jewelry Forum, Californie – USA), Philippe Liotard (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Suska Mackert (Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Nuremberg – Allemagne), Cécile Michaud (EHESS, CMH, PRO, Paris), Galatée Pestre, Laurence Verdier et Céline Sylvestre (co-commissaires de Précieux Passage, bibliothèque Forney), Michael Petry (MOCA, Londres), Patricia Ribault (ESAD, Reims / ENSBA, Paris), Patricio Sarmiento (Paris College of Art) et/and Lukas Zpira (body Hacker, Avignon).

Inscriptions / Registration

Le nombre de places étant limité pour chacune des deux journées. L’inscription est gratuite pour les membres de La Garantie.

Space is limited, please register for the symposium. Registration is free for members of La Garantie

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