fbpx MDRW 4 – Independent Work Week — PCA

MDRW 4 - Independent Work Week

Work by Taline Shahinian.

This week, MDRW students had ample time to work on their thesis proposals and upcoming final projects.

On Monday, students had their last Introduction to Research and Methodology class with professor Lisa Salamandra, where they were able to work on their thesis proposal, which is due the following Monday.

Students had the opportunity to talk with Lisa and get advice regarding their thesis and how to organize their table of contents, abstract, rationale and bibliography. The rest of class time was devoted to students working individually on their projects.

Tuesday, MDRW students had their usual Studio 1 course with professor Chloe Briggs, where they continued to work on their final projects.

Wednesday, students had the continuation of the Studio 1 course with professor and chair of the Drawing program Véronique Devoldère. Véronique was accompanied by Benjamin, a French artist and member of the jury who will critique the students final works.

This class was devoted to working on individual works for the final critique, but also to sit and discuss with Véronique and Benjamin about where students are in their work as well as their artistic references.

For the rest of the week, MDRW students did not have class. Their next masterclass is next week and will follow their last class with Diogo Pimentão. During this upcoming masterclass, students will have to present their performance piece.