fbpx Abroad in Baltimore #21 — PCA

Abroad in Baltimore #21


Sleepover !

After the trials and tribulations of last week, I’m happy to report that this week I was able to let my hair down and finally have some fun! I needed to do some serious catching up on sleep, but like the age old adage goes: a student has homework, social life, and sleep to juggle, and more often than not, you can only pick two.

Emma came back with me after my morning Life Drawing studio on Thursday (a triumph by the way, I’ve made something of a break-through with my gesture drawings). We grabbed dinner at one of my favorite hometown restaurants before doing a bit more exploring in town and spent a good hour or two wandering through various shops.

After getting back home, we got cozy in our pajamas and watched The Internship, a comedy that seemed appropriate for our current circumstances as we’re both applying for summer internships these days. We’ve been applying to everything we can so hopefully we’ll both get some good news soon. The summer before your final year of university is often seen as the prime time to start investing in your career goals as only one year stands between you and the “real” world. Internships are basically a rite of passage most young professionals pass before gaining employment.

In other news, my family went out of town this week which leaves me house sitting for them most of the week. I’ve lived alone for most of my university experience, but suddenly being alone in a house is a little nerve-wracking. Although there are quite a few perks like being able to eat alone in the kitchen (the height of luxury) and leaving the dishes till the next day (a bad habit I try to keep a lid on), things get a bit eerie at night and I can’t help but find myself looking forward to my family getting back.

I’m also happy to report that things are looking up in terms of me getting more sleep this week. This was mostly due to my ability to actually start my homework early this week (gasp, it is possible!) setting myself up for a much more manageable workload. We had over 40 sketches due in Character Design and I knew it would be the death of me if I didn’t give myself ample time to get ahead during the weekend.

While I felt like last semester crawled by right up until the end, this semester seems to be moving at a good clip, not too fast and certainly not too slow. I think it has something to do with the fact that we’re quickly approaching Spring weather on this side of the Atlantic instead of slowly descending into Winter so I couldn’t be happier to see above freezing temperatures.

Hang in there!

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