fbpx MTNM Lunch Talk with La Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques — PCA

PCA MTNM Lunch Talk with La Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques

Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 13.08.19

Benjamin Gentils & Antoine Henry Share Their Experience

PCA’s guests for the MTMN Lunch Talk are Benjamin Gentils & Antoine Henry. The first months of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the limits and flaws of our centralized society, based on market and competitive relationships, moreover, in the educational field. Faced with the urgency of the situation, many teachers, parents, and associations have shown renewed creativity and have rethought their way of acting in France. We quickly saw the emergence of self-organized initiatives by citizens or associations, who mobilized at the local level in their territories to propose operational responses to the health and social crisis. In various cases, the privileged angle was by “making in common” by creating a community of use organized to access a collectively produced and maintained resource.

During this lunch talk, Benjamin Gentils, education and innovation expert and the founder of the “Fabrique des Communs pédagogiques,” and Antoine Henry, associate professor at the University of Lille, and the scientific coordinator of the FabPeda will share their experience of the practice of commoning as a lever of resilience in a time of crisis and how it can help to rethink the education sector.

Join us on Tuesday, October 12th at 13h on Zoom